Friday, July 27, 2012

Zoom! Zoom!

Giving from the heart.. is there really another way to give?  I think not! Giving with no expectations other than the hope of delivering JOY and LOVE to them. 

I recently made a quilt for a very special 3 year old boy.  I am finishing the binding and then delivering this quilt to his Grandma in the morning. This little one is in the begining of a long journey of healing from an accident. I prayed so much for him while making this and so much of my heart went into this quilt for him.  I do hope he likes it.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Spring is here!

It seems spring has finally arrived with the warmer temperatures and sunshine. This week has been filled with nothing short of beautiful weather. Our God is so good!

Tuesday blessings came from Mother Nature. In our back yard is the empty dog kennel. Since we no longer have pets the kennel is being used as a storage place for bikes and outdoor toys. Last week my husband discovered a nest with 5 Robin eggs. I decided Tuesday afternoon that I should grab my camera and take photos of the eggs, with follow-up photos after the babies were born. I climbed up on my step stool, as the nest is just high enough I can't see inside without assistance, to much surprise the eggs had been HATCHED! Here is the first photo:

There are four very new baby Robins. Babies so new they only have a bit of fuzz, eyes not opened yet.. and can you say ADORABLE!!!
I called for my family to come over quickly to see this wonderful miracle of their birth. We were very careful to not touch the nest or babies, as we know the Momma may never return to feed them. My husband looked around for any evidence of the 5th egg but couldn't find any. We only speculate what happened to the fifth egg, as it was never found. So after everyone cleared out of the kennel, I wanted to get one more photo of the babies. Quickly climbed back up and because I can't see all that well due to the angle of where I was standing, I pointed and aimed the camera to take a few more pictures in only hopes I'd capture at least one more good shot. After taking the pictures I hurried back out of the kennel as we suspected the babies were hungry and could see Momma wanting back to her nest.
Here is the 2nd picture:

What a spectacular surprise shot! I definitely know they were hungry but when I see this picture it looks like they are singing "HALLELUJIA!"
3rd photo:


Hope you've enjoyed these as much as we have.
Happy Mother's Day to you!